Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mushed up thought from last night.

There's a delicious sense of victory in overcoming a negative situation, but it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth if you think about it too much. There are far too many things on a daily basis that upset us. You sit there, drowning in a puddle of sorrow, feeling sorry for yourself not realizing that you are your own agressor.

Someone I met said something yesterday that changed my outlook on a lot of things. Hate is not the opposite of love. You expend about the same amount of energy towards both. Anger does nothing but make you out to be a babbling uncivilized baboon who throws childish hissy fits when things don't go their way.

So indifference is the answer.... Blissful indifference....

When we care about someone, we put them on pedestals. They can say or do no wrong. I realized that people are just people, fractured and flawed, not gods. There are some people you cannot change. They live by ideals that we might not agree with. That's their choice. You wouldn't like another to dictate how you live. So live by your ideals, and let them alone.

Never apologize for being who you are like a meek little mouse who has no spine. If you're a weirdo, embrace it. If you're a nerd, kudos to you. If you are a douche, I like douches, call me ;D! (just kidding) If you are a flake, hey, you're more fun. If you are a sloo, I would recommend that you get checked out.

But why do we label people? Why do we need absolutes to define us. What about douchey-nerd-sluts? huh? HUH? We are all a chimera of different personalities. I know its safe and easy to find a niche, but closing yourself off to other things because you feel like you have to conform to a certain ideal, that's not living, it's a farce.

Like I said, no apologies for being who you are.

I do, however, apologize for my atrocious grammar and incoherency. I've been watching too many westerns over the course of the past few days and them grammar things have done gone down the shit-hole.

This is what I'm listening to: Rock Mafia-The Big Bang --I'll explain why this is here below

So, one cold fall/winter day, whilst I was panting away on the eliptical at the gym trying to exercise away my problems I heard this song playing on the radio. I had no idea what it was called or what it was saying, but I knew that it was catchy as hell. It got me through insanity and back.

Now, when I listen to it, it always takes me back to where I was, mentally, but I can't detach from it. You know that song. Everyone has that song.

"I don't wanna dream, I just wanna live it."

I'm gonna sign off before I type anymore cray-cray babble. Good night everyone.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The White Stripes - A Martyr For My Love For You

She was sixteen and six feet tall
In a crowd of teenagers comin' out of the zoo
She stumbled started to slip and fall
Teeter-tottered on the top of patent leather shoes
I happened to catch her and said,
"maybe these ruby shoes are a little cumbersome for you"

Maybe for you, now

But not as shaky as I must have seemed
Talkin' junk through her giggle, little teenage dream
And on the phone I could not compete
My dumb-love fake competence was getting weak
For a sec' I thought I sounded sweet
But sure 'nough in a gruff, faint voice
I heard myself speak

I could stay a while
But sooner or later I'll break your smile
And I can tell a joke
But one of these days I'm bound to choke
And we could share a kiss
But I feel like I can't go through with this
And I bet we could build a home
But I know the right thing for me to do
Is to leave you alone

Leave you alone, now
[ Lyrics from: ]
I'm beginning to like you
So you probably won't get what I'm going to do
I'm walkin' away from you
It probably don't make much sense to you
But I'm trying to save you
From all of the things that I'll probably say or do

I'll probably do

I could stay a while
But sooner or later I'll break your smile
And I can tell a joke
But one of these days I'm bound to choke
And we might share a kiss
But I feel like a can't go through with this
And I bet we could build a home
But I know the right thing for me to do
Is to leave you alone

Leave you alone, now

You'll probably call me a fool
And say I'm doin' exactly what a coward would do
And I'm beginning to like you
It's a shame what a lame way to live
But what can I do?
I hope you appreciate what I do

I'm a martyr for my love for you
A martyr for my love for you, now
A martyr for my love for you
A martyr for my love for you

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tim Burton's "Vincent"

Tim burton always cheers me up :) especially this short!

"...and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor/shall be lifted, nevermore"--best E.A.Poe line. Perfect way to end a delightful little film.