Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's four o'clock in the morning, I'm supposed to be studying, but I have 16 tabs open and only four of them relate to my final. I suppose my bed isn't conducive to studying either, but neither is anywhere else that has internet access. At least I have my covers here to coo and comfort me while I lie here in my self-loathing. I suppose I could remove myself from my computer, but according to 85% of my brain (which is probably the same percentage that got its thrills from watching Spongebob Squarepants as a kid), the very suggestion is scoff inducing.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ahh <3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I woke up this morning and one of my first thoughts went to the First world problems meme (never going on 9gag before bed again). So I entertained myself by thinking of more ridiculous first world problems such as, "my coffee makers broken", "my free subscription for spike has ran out", "sobey's doesnt carry the right kind of cheese" etc, etc. So anyway, I bump into my sister, who looks absolutely distraught. I ask her what the matter is, she looks at me with watery, tired looking eyes and says to me: My blackberry's broken, I can't go on BBM :'(

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"What makes people weak? Their need for validation and recognition"-Paulo Coelho

I fall into the trap of letting the opinions of others validate me. We all do it from time to time. I know when my work is good and when it looks like something that came out of the uglier end of a mutant turkey. Why I need someone to confirm what I already know is idiotic and redundant. How about we stop worrying about who's looking and actually start focusing on the work itself, the rest, I believe, will come naturally.

"Think affirmatively"

The words "will" and "am" are a lot stronger than "might" or "may be". Being affirmative in your statements leaves no room for doubt. You become more comfortable and confident in your decisions. The confidence extends to other areas in your life. Things are more likely to happen. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Overbearing Parents

1. Learn to knock
2. If you raise your kids in a western society, please don't act surprised if they happen to adapt the culture.
3. Stop being paranoid.
4. God isn't airing your child's dirty laundry. Stop snooping.
5. Your daughters are not prostitutes just because she stays out past 11. There are other reasons to be out at night.
6. There are other careers out there aside from doctor/engineer.
7. Studying art doesn't mean your kids are going to spend the rest of their lives as a starving painter/musician/actor/etc.
8. If you're going to compare your child to someone else's, please make sure you know enough about the other person to not make yourself sound like an ignorant, gullible idiot.
9. The neighbours have better things to do with their lives than to meddle in your affairs. Again, stop being paranoid
10. If you stifle your child's social life, don't be surprised if they try to make up for it in spades when they have freedom or when they have social anxiety issues.

STOP being so insufferable. PLEASE, find a hobby aside from making your children miserable. All you're ensuring is long hours of psychological therapy in the years to come.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

doodles of character designs

A series of character designs I was doodling during animation class today. I hope you enjoy them!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kimbra - "Good Intent" [Official Music Video]

I'm not one for following particular artists, usually listening to what sounds good to me, but every so often there's one whose stuff I just fall in love with. I think Kimbra is absolutely incredible. What's even better is that she and Gotye, another artist that has a piece of my heart, collaborate in Somebody That I Used to Know (Link: ). Ah-mah-zing duo.