Saturday, November 19, 2011

"What makes people weak? Their need for validation and recognition"-Paulo Coelho

I fall into the trap of letting the opinions of others validate me. We all do it from time to time. I know when my work is good and when it looks like something that came out of the uglier end of a mutant turkey. Why I need someone to confirm what I already know is idiotic and redundant. How about we stop worrying about who's looking and actually start focusing on the work itself, the rest, I believe, will come naturally.

"Think affirmatively"

The words "will" and "am" are a lot stronger than "might" or "may be". Being affirmative in your statements leaves no room for doubt. You become more comfortable and confident in your decisions. The confidence extends to other areas in your life. Things are more likely to happen. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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