Sunday, July 10, 2011

Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.

To be completely honest, I haven't the slightest clue what Lady Gaga meant when she said that line in her and Beyonce's video to Telephone. I conclude that it means something along the lines of: always finish what you start.

I had started on a novel many years ago and worked on it tirelessly until about two summers ago, then one day it was gone. Stolen.

I sit here bitterly, thinking about the individual who was pathetic enough to break into another's home and take what's not their own. That story had become part of my life. The morning after that happened, I rewrote the last chapter I had written entirely from memory, and tried to write tidbits here and there of others until I abandoned the pursuit altogether.

A note to thieves. This may be a completely pointless thing to say, considering that you probably have a very skewed moral compass (I understand that it probably comes with the occupation), but please really think about what you take beyond the fact that it's a source of quick cash. Yes, I sound naive. Yes, I sound stupid. I'm merely trying to demonstrate the futility with which you can reason with people who clearly have no concept of ethics.

I have changed quite a bit since then and the story seems to have nearly diminished, like a tiny spark at the back of my mind waiting to be ignited, but this time, it's changed as well. I only hope that I'll have the chance to pick it up again and attack it with a new vigor. Until then, I can only hope that it doesn't burn out because you know what they say: Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.

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